Inquiry On Passport

On July 12nd, 2010, I went to Hui-lai County Public Security Bureau in Jie-yang City of Guangzhou Province to apply for an ordinary passport and a specific travel passport to Hong Kong and Macau. The scheduled pickup dates were July 27th, 2010 for the passport and August 2nd, 2010, but I have not yet to hear any news from them.

Around August 20th, 2010,  I made an inquiry through the complaint phone number (020 83111000) provided on the receipt that was given to me when I submitted my applications for the passport and visa. I was told that for “unknown reasons” my applications had not been approved, but they would reply to me within 15 days. I still haven’t heard from them.

I made a complaint through the website of Bureau of Entry-Exit Administration of Guangdong Province, also indicated on the receipts. I explained my situation in detail and left a phone number and e-mail address. But I have heard nothing so far from them.

On December 12nd,  2010,  I sent an express delivery letter of inquiry to the relevant authorities (the Division of Supervisors of the Bureau), but they haven’t responded.

On March 9th, 2010, I went in person to the Bureau of Entry-Exit Administration of Guangdong Province to complain that eight months  I had not received any explicit reply. Someone from the Bureau verbally answered me that I would be forbidden to travel abroad in the next five years since there are fines of 2,500,000 yuan in the case of Hua Zang Enterprise Co., Ltd. that hadn’t been paid yet.

Type of application: passport

Last Name : WU               First name: ZEHENG
Sex: male ID card no.                      Certificate no. :
Date of birth: 18 July 1967               Place of birth: Guangdong
Ordinary/urgent: ordinary                 Express delivery: yes Processing messages via mobile:
Express delivery address:
Receiver: Wu Zeheng                 Postal code: 519000 Contact number:
Charge types: 103040103101FC001
Date application received: 20100712         09:48:46
Amount charged: 200 Yuan                       Passsport pickup date: 2010/07/27
Enquiries (phone): 96897                 Enquiries Website:
Complaints (phone): 020-83111000
Authority accepting application: Huilai County Public Security Bureau of Jieyang City
Police ID no.: 263628WJY
After above is confirmed, sign here:                 Application acceptance time:


1 Please produce the original copy of your ID card or Household Registration when picking up your passport.
2 If you authorize someone else to for pickup, please produce this receipt, the authorized persons ID, and the applicant’s ID or Household Register.
3 If the applicant is a registered public servant, please submit the relevant view statement produced by his personnel administration authority.
4 The time needed to inspect the application by a third part by letter is not be included.
5 The receipt must be kept in a safe place and be returned to the relevant department of the Entry-Exit Administration of the Safety Bureau
6 Please abide by the laws and regulations of Hong Kong and Macao; do not stay longer than allowed by the visa, or work there without authorization.
7 The applicant must pay the application fee at the authorized bank within two days of the acceptance of the application; otherwise, the application will become invalid.
8 The applicant may use his individual tourist visa to travel to Hong Kong and Macao by sending the message “BZ ID number” (e.g., BZW12345678) to 10626699. A service fee of 3 yuan (communication fee excluded) will be charged by the telecom operator if the application is successful.
9 Applicants may send the message “CX application number” or “CX ID number of applicant” to 10626699 to enquire about of the progress of the application. One yuan service fee (communication fee excluded) will be charged by the telecom operator for each enquiry.

Type of application: EEP´s Republic of China

Last Name : WU               First name: ZEHENG
Sex: male ID card no.                      Certificate no. :
Date of birth: 18 July 1967               Place of birth: Guangdong
Type of Endorsement:Hong Kong and Macao personal travel endorsement,Hong Kong, twice available within one year.
Ordinary/urgent: ordinary                 Express delivery: yes Processing messages via mobile:
Express delivery address:
Receiver: Wu Zeheng                 Postal code: 519000 Contact number:
Charge types: 103040103401F-103040103402F1BO2
Date application received: 20100712         09:45:63
Amount charged: 140 Yuan                       Passsport pickup date: 2010/08/02
Enquiries (phone): 96897                 Enquiries Website:
Complaints (phone): 020-83111000
Authority accepting application: Huilai County Public Security Bureau of Jieyang City
Police ID no.: 263628WJY
After above is confirmed, sign here:                 Application acceptance time:


1 Please produce the original copy of your ID card or Household Registration when picking up your passport.
2 If you authorize someone else to for pickup, please produce this receipt, the authorized persons ID, and the applicant’s ID or Household Register.
3 If the applicant is a registered public servant, please submit the relevant view statement produced by his personnel administration authority.
4 The time needed to inspect the application by a third part by letter is not be included.
5 The receipt must be kept in a safe place and be returned to the relevant department of the Entry-Exit Administration of the Safety Bureau
6 Please abide by the laws and regulations of Hong Kong and Macao; do not stay longer than allowed by the visa, or work there without authorization.
7 The applicant must pay the application fee at the authorized bank within two days of the acceptance of the application; otherwise, the application will become invalid.
8 The applicant may use his individual tourist visa to travel to Hong Kong and Macao by sending the message “BZ ID number” (e.g., BZW12345678) to 10626699. A service fee of 3 yuan (communication fee excluded) will be charged by the telecom operator if the application is successful.
9 Applicants may send the message “CX application number” or “CX ID number of applicant” to 10626699 to enquire about of the progress of the application. One yuan service fee (communication fee excluded) will be charged by the telecom operator for each enquiry.

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