Buddha Shakyamuni was born in the 26th year of King Zhao in the Zhou Dynasty, and went into nirvana in the 13th year of King Mu in the Zhou Dynasty.
3045 years have elapsed since then. When the World Buddhist Sangha Council met for the first time, they mistakenly agreed that the Buddha went into nirvana in 544 B.C.
So this is the 3045th year not the 2559th one in the Buddhist calendar. Therefore, the degenerate Latter Day of Dharma(Dharma-ending) has entered its 1045th year.
I hope the four-fold assembly(four divisions of disciples) know that the 3050th year of the aberrance calamity of the degenerate Latter Day of Dharma is 2020 A.D., not 2051 A.D.
Hua Zang Dharma, as the orthodox Dharma of the direct line of Supreme Shakyamuni Buddha, has been in the secular world for more than 20 years, and achieved tremendous deeds of compassion and charity in China.
Unfortunately, we have suffered calamities twice. Later on, I hope the four-fold assembly can come to the western countries and serve the sentient beings there with Orthodox Buddhist Dharma.
All my disciples should major in the Vajracchedika Sutra (Diamond Sutra), Vimalakirti Sutra, Genealogy of Shakya and Awakening in Mahayana Faith. After they achieve the first enlightenment,
they can read Buddhist sutras generally. At ordinary times, they can read and discuss books written by Master Shengyan, Venerable Master Xuanhua, Master Jingkong, Master Xingyun and Master Dayuan from the Liuzu Monastery.
Meanwhile, you should keep close to all eminent and virtuous Buddhist monks to shield and sustain Buddhism together.
Xing Wu

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